
Skynet has built-in debugger for debugging variables, arrays and objects in every place of code.
Output data from debugger is generated at the end of Skynet code execution so you can debug code in sender and in responder - debug data from both of its will be generated.
If you want use debugger outside of listener you must use:

use Skynet\Debug\SkynetDebug;

Then, if you want to debug any data (like variable, array or object), just use:

$debugger = new SkynetDebug();

$myVariable = 'some data';

In Event Listener it's simpliest, becose you have access to debugger via:



public function onResponse($context)
  if($context == "afterReceive")
    $myVar = $this->response->get('myVar');

Another method in debugger is adding simple message to be shown in defined place in code:

public function onResponse($context)
  if($context == "afterReceive")
    $this->debug->txt('Im in response listener');

Both of this methods: dump() and txt() adds debug data to debugger registry.
All of this data will be displayed in Skynet Control Panel in "Debug" tab:

Full API Documentation is included in Skynet packages available on GitHub.